It has become evident that paleo-oncological resources are limited and difficult to find. PRO strongly advocates the accessibility of information. It is only by sharing data, discussing observations, and forming collaborations that paleo-oncological research can move forward, and become a field that - when paired with modern cancer research - can change the current status of cancer worldwide.
This section will provide educational material on a variety of topics relevant to paleo-oncology, as well as videos and links to outside resources. PRO feels a responsibility and a desire to inform and educate the public about cancer in antiquity. We strive to make this introductory information accessible and relatable to non-specialists. These resources are intended to provide an introduction to the topics, and will be continually updated to provide new information on more topics.
...the study of skeletal populations can unlock an important source of knowledge about the presence of tumours in ancient populations. Epidemiologically, it contributes valuable observations to medical sciences that are of great help in the difficult task of understanding the origin and evolution of these diseases.
Assis and Codinha
Metastatic carcinoma in a 14th–19th century skeleton from Constância (Portugal), 2010

"The pathology of a society reflects its general conditions and growth and offers, therefore, valuable clues to an understanding of the total society." In other words, the patterns of pathology may reveal cultural patterns which are not apparent from the archeological record.
Disease in Ancient Nubia, 1969